Monday, June 28, 2010

Movie 13- Brokeback Mountain

Rating 4/5

Plot (courtesy of
In 1963,two young men hire on as ranch hands in the Wyoming mountains.During the long months of isolation,an unusual bond starts to develop between them, one which they are only vaguely aware of--until one night when it rises to the surface in a passionate encounter.When the season ends,they part ways,only to realize the true depth of their feelings.Thus begins a decades-long affair that the two of them desperately try to hide from those around them--one which will prove simultaneously beautiful and devastating

OMG.. That was painful.. I loved watching this film, but I don't know that I could watch it again.. However, I can see why this made the list. Everyone should see this once before they die. It definitely raises the awareness of an issue that unfortunately is still a problem today. I just keep trying to pretend it ended differently.. that they had ran off to Mexico and lived happily for the rest of their lives... :( I'm just going to leave it at that as right now I'm too upset to say much else. 

Write to you soon,


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Movie 12- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Rating- 5/5!

Plot (compliments of
A man, Joel Barish, heartbroken that his girlfriend Clementine underwent a procedure to erase him from her memory, decides to do the same. However, as he watches his memories of her fade away, he realizes that he still loves her, and may be too late to correct his mistake.


Spectacular. That's a one word summary of my overall feelings toward this film. Where do I begin? The acting? Amazing. The cinematography? Brilliant. The story line? Captivating. I can't say yet that this is the number one of all the films as I have yet to see so many, but I think it's safe to say this truly is one of the best of all time. I think it sums up precisely what a "modern classic" is supposed to be. It's a love story in a way, but it's so refreshingly honest that it's real to us. 
The love between Clementine and Joel is not perfect, but something about their chemistry pulls you in & leaves you hoping they will have another chance.  I think this film does what so many love stories today fail to do. It surprises us. Their is nothing typical or predictable about it. Maybe that's why I love it. 
I have a hard time defining a category for this one. I think it's both a romantic comedy and a drama. It has both the peculiarity of a good independent film and the gratification you get from seeing a box office hit. 
If you haven't seen this one yet, I urge you to do so. This is by far my most favorite film of all time. It sets the bar so high for everything I have left to watch for the project.. PLEASE go rent this one. If you have netflix you can watch it instantly. If you don't have netflix, I own a copy and will be more than happy to lend it to you. You can also buy it below from Amazon.. which I also recommend since you're going to want to watch this one more than once! :)

Write to you soon,


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Movie 11- Groundhog Day

Rating 3/5

Plot (Courtesy of

Bill Murray plays Phil, a TV weatherman working for a local station in Pennsylvania but convinced that national news stardom is in his grasp. Phil displays a charm and wit on camera that evaporates the moment the red light goes off; he is bitter, appallingly self-centered, and treats his co-workers with contempt, especially his producer Rita (Andie MacDowell) and cameraman Larry. On February 2, 1992, Phil, Rita, and Larry are sent on an assignment that Phil especially loathes: the annual Groundhog Day festivities in Punxsutawney, PA, where the citizens await the appearance of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who will supposedly determine the length of winter by his ability to see his own shadow. Phil is eager to beat a hasty retreat, but when a freak snowstorm strands him in Punxsutawney, he wakes up the next morning with the strangest sense of déjà vu: he seems to be living the same day over again. The next morning it happens again, and then again. Soon, no matter what he does, he's stuck in February 2, 1992; not imprisonment nor attempted suicide nor kidnapping the groundhog gets him out of the loop. But the more Phil relives the same day, the more he's forced to look at other people's lives, and something unusual happens: he begins to care about others. He starts to respect people, he tries to save the life of a homeless man, and he discovers that he's falling in love with Rita and therefore wants to be someone that she could love in return. Mark Deming, All Movie Guide


I decided to try something different here since I had such difficulty with this one. I want to know why YOU think this should/should not have made the list. I recognize this as a comedic classic, but there were so many other classics I feel could have taken its place so let me know your thoughts!

Write to you soon,


Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Pianist- Movie 10

Rating- 4/5 stars


This is simply the story of a Jewish pianist and his family. The story begins in Warsaw in 1939, and within moments you know what this story is about.. The opening scene is of Wladyslaw Szpilman playing the piano as bombs come crashing in on the radio station for which he plays. From that moment on, we watch as his family is taken from their home to the Jewish ghetto, and from the Jewish ghetto to concentration camps. However, as the trains are being loaded for the concentration camps, Wladyslaw is saved by a Jewish policeman and escapes. He never sees his family again, and one can only assume they die in the camps. 


I'm torn on how I feel about this film. I was sickened by the constant violent images of murder and abuse.. absolutely sickened. I wanted to rate this a 1/5 stars because I just couldn't stomach it.. but for the same reason I loathed watching this, I respect it. The film doesn't attempt to provide any comedic relief or happy/inspiring moments that give you hope. Every scene is gruesome.. death after death after death...You are in a constant state of despair through until the end. Some may disagree with me that the final scene is a scene of despair, but I saw very little light in it. What joy could the piano bring when you have lost your family, your friends, and suffered so much? I guess what we're celebrating is that he made it through alive.. but mere life to me is no celebration when you have lost everything. Perhaps the scene is meant to portray the resilience of the human spirit... the ability to find hope and joy at the end of a tragic road. 

On a side note, I just want to know who thought the quote on the image above was appropriate..? "A riveting adventure story?" Adventure? Really? Don't you think that's a bit of a freaking euphemism? Adventure implies excitement, fun.. it implies voluntary action. I'm sorry but I don't see anything adventurous about life as a Jew in Poland during the 1940s. 

Write to you soon,


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fight Club- Movie 9

Movie 9- Fight Club

Courtesy of

FIGHT CLUB is narrated by a lonely, unfulfilled young man (Edward Norton) who finds his only comfort in feigning terminal illness and attending disease support groups. Hopping from group to group, he encounters another pretender, or "tourist," the morose Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), who immediately gets under his skin. However, while returning from a business trip, he meets a more intriguing character--the subversive Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). They become fast friends, bonding over a mutual disgust for corporate consumer-culture hypocrisy. Eventually, the two start Fight Club, which convenes in a bar basement where angry men get to vent their frustrations in brutal, bare-knuckle bouts. Fight Club soon becomes the men's only real priority; when the club starts a cross-country expansion, things start getting really crazy. Like Tyler Durden himself, director David Fincher's FIGHT CLUB, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, is startlingly aggressive and gleefully mischievous as it skewers the superficiality of American pop culture. Outstanding performances by Norton and Pitt are supported by a razor-sharp script and an arsenal of stunning visual effects that include computer animation and sleight-of-hand editing. One of the most unique films of the late 20th century, FIGHT CLUB is a pitch-black comedy of striking intensity.


Before I can begin with more in-depth critique I have to say this. Fight Club is probably the first film I would put on a list of “Movies to Watch Before You Die.” If you haven’t seen this yet, you’re seriously missing out on what I find to be one of the best (though perhaps a little hypocritical) pieces of cinema to come out of the last 100 years. That being said, GO WATCH IT!

Now, I will move forward. First, I will say that I can’t expect everyone to agree with me, and you won’t find me very apologetic for feeling this way.

In order to understand the overall goal of the project you need to fully understand the development of both main characters. Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) is the definition of raw passion. He’s random, impulsive, wild, untamed, yet determined and set to achieve what he sees as a revolutionary break from the restriction that is modern bureaucratic/capitalist structure. The very structure of the film fortifies his anarchist ideals with its anomalous method by incorporating all sorts of stylistic variants (freeze frames, jump cuts, bizarre sex scenes, and even the humorous inclusion of ‘cigarette burns’ throughout).

The narrator (Edward Norton) is quite unlike Tyler for obvious reasons. He’s jaded, sardonic, a cog in the overall structure of society performing his duties. He works to earn a wage to collect possessions which he recognizes as meaningless but still clings to. That is, until he meets Tyler. The quote below should exemplify perfectly:
"Like everyone else, I had become a slave to the IKEA nesting instinct. If I saw something like clever coffee tables in the shape of a yin and yang, I had to have it. I would flip through catalogs and wonder, "What kind of dining set defines me as a person?" We used to read pornography. Now it was the Horchow Collection. I had it all. Even the glass dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections, proof they were crafted by the honest, simple, hard-working indigenous peoples of wherever."   --Narrator

In looking at these 2 characters we define the fundamental purpose of the film: a critique of capitalism. Through the satirical expression, the film is clearly defining what the original book’s author deems the problem with our society. We are slaves to the system, kept silent and made busy by the very consumerism which defines us. 

Write to you soon (and please comment!),

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Sixth Sense - Movie 8

The Sixth Sense

Rating 4/5


Sorry guys, but I have a terrible headache so I'm skipping this part... If you haven't already seen the film then check out some other reviews for a general summary. 


I LOVE this movie. It is one of the few films on the lists that I have actually seen, and I think it’s wonderful.  The acting is brilliant, and the story is so original. It is both haunting and heart-warming. From the first scene until the last you are positively enthralled.
So what is it about this movie that all of us love so much? Surely it can’t be the surprise we get when we figure out the big secret... Are we really that easy to entertain? I think the answer lies deeper than that, but I’m not sure I can say what it actually is.  It’s a little terrifying and magical all at once. Maybe the approach the film takes to death is what touches us. Maybe there isn’t one specific thing that draws us to it… maybe there are just a bunch of little things which add up to make it wonderful. No matter what, there is one thing that is certain. This is one of those films that most of us will never forget... and it definitely deserves to be on the list.

Write to you soon,


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sense and Sensibility - Movie 7

Rating- 4/5 stars

Set in the early 1800s the film Sense and Sensibility, as adapted from the famous Jane Austen novel, is a story of a widow and her 3 daughters as they try to live with little to no financial support. Her husband passes and all of his estate goes to his son from a previous marriage. The late Mrs. Dashwood and her 3 daughters Elinor, Marianne, and Margret are all but forced out of their home shortly after the death of her husband. With little money and no other place to go, the women move into a cottage so generously offered by a relative. Because of their financial situation, finding husbands for the eldest 2 seems unlikely. We watch as Elinor, the sensible one, and Marianne, the hopeless romantic, find love in 2 very different ways.

I have to say this is my favorite of the new movies I have seen thus far. Of course, that should be no surprise to anyone as everything about it was precisely what I like (which of course means Josh hates it). I also have to say that the film did Jane Austen’s original work justice. I thought the casting was brilliant. Even Hugh Grant seemed to fit his role, though at times he seemed a bit awkward. I absolutely ADORED Alan Rickman’s performance as Col. Brandon, though it was difficult to picture him as anyone other than Severus Snape. His performance evoked such integrity and sincerity, but most importantly I felt such compassion for him! After seeing him in this role I think I have a glimpse as to how it will feel to see his story unfold in the last of the Harry Potter films… but this isn’t about Harry Potter. This is about Sense and Sensibility. I loved every second of it!!! It was dramatic and romantic and everything a good “chick flick” needs to be successful. However, as a period piece it was exceptional as well. I certainly hope that if you haven’t had a chance to watch this in the past, you do so now!!! Below are links to purchase the film or book from Amazon.

Write to you soon,
